Land adjacent to the cemetery, Bridestowe


Our Development

We have acquired an interest in land adjacent to the cemetery in Bridestowe, as shown in red in the plan below. This site is allocated for up to 35 new homes in the Bridestowe & Sourton Neighbourhood Development Plan. We plan to submit a detailed planning application to West Devon Borough Council (WDBC) for 30 homes and public open space, which we believe is an appropriate response to the site and its setting.  

In October 2024, we held a drop-in event at The Ark where we showed our early sketch plans for this site. You can view the material on display here

Prior to submitting a planning application to WDBC, we then shared our final plans with the community, as well as information on local housing need, the constraints of the site and the feedback we had received at our first event, at a public exhibition on 26th February 2025. You can view the material on display here.

Our feedback period has now closed. However, should you have any comments, you can still send these to the project team via the Contact button at the top of this page.

We will shortly submit our planning application to WDBC. The Council will then review our application, conduct its own statutory consultation and make a decision on the proposals later this year.


Our Proposals

We are proposing:

  • 30 high-quality homes, of which 30% (9 units) will be affordable housing in line with WDBC policy. 

  • 23% (7) of the homes will be traditional bungalows, available to people to downsize.

  • A traditional design, with low-density layout and choice of materials respectful of the immediate and wider landscape environment.

  • An integrated open/amenity space, exceeding WDBC’s policy requirement.

  • Good parking provision in line with WDBC policy.

  • Good housing mix and choice of house types.

  • Good access with improvements to offsite footpath.

  • The scheme can provide either onsite toddlers play provision or an offsite financial contribution to improving the existing village play park.

Housing Mix:

Our Proposal


4 x 1 Bed Flats

3 x 2 Bed Terrace Houses

2 x 3 Bed Semi- Detached Houses.

Total 9 affordable homes available either for low cost ownership or affordable rent to local people. This mix is supported by WDBC's housing team and complies with their affordable housing policy.

Open Market

4 x 2 Bed semi-detached Houses

2 x 3 Bed semi-detached Houses

2 x 2 bed detached bungalows

1 x 3 bed chalet detached bungalows

5 x 3 bed detached bungalows

5 x 4 bed detached barngalows

2 x 5 bed detached Houses

Total 21 homes