Sawmills & Broom Park, Dartington
Welcome to our community website where you can learn more about our plans for new homes at Sawmills and Broom Park, Dartington.
Both sites are allocated for new homes in the adopted Plymouth & South West Devon Joint Local Plan. The plan below shows their location and allocation in the Joint Local Plan.
Outline consent for up to 80 new homes at Broom Park and up to 40 new homes at Sawmills was granted by South Hams District Council (SHDC) in April 2021. We then developed detailed plans, covering matters of appearance, scale, layout and landscaping.
We held a public exhibition in June 2021 at which the local community could chat to the project team and provide feedback; the exhibition material can be viewed here.
Reserved matters planning applications were submitted to SHDC for 80 new homes at Broom Park (4442/21/ARM) and 40 new homes at Sawmills (4443/21/ARM). These were both approved in April 2022.
The final illustrative layouts for both sites are included below.
Broom Park Illustrative Masterplan
Sawmills Illustrative Masterplan
Our Proposals
In April 2021, South Hams District Council (SHDC) voted to grant outline consent for up to 80 new homes at Broom Park and up to 40 new homes at Sawmills, as well as associated public open space and infrastructure. This means that the principle of residential development has been established and agreed by SHDC. In addition, the points of access to each site were agreed in detail and are now fixed.
We are now focusing on matters of appearance, scale, layout and landscaping.
Broom Park
We are proposing a high-quality development of 80 new homes (see layout below). The site will be carefully landscaped with around 4 hectares (approximately 10 acres) of green space, some set aside for wildlife habitats and some for public access.
We are currently planning:
80 new homes, designed specifically for this site and setting, and built for sustainable living. These will include a number of bungalows which are much in demand locally but undersupplied. We are a leading provider of this property type in Devon, which is proving very popular with communities;
24 (30%) of the homes would be policy compliant affordable housing (split 65% social rent and 35% intermediate housing), with 80% of these properties being one and two bed for which SHDC officers have told us there is the most pressing need;
Vehicular access would be off the A384, with a right-turn lane constructed for those travelling from the north;
Either an on-site Local Equipped Area of Play (LEAP) of at least 400m2 or to pay a financial contribution towards improving equipped play provision at Meadowbrook;
Bat corridors on the northern and western boundaries (20m wide) and also the southern boundary (10m wide);
1,500m2 provision of public allotments on site, to comprise 6 full size plots or 12 half-size plots, with a water supply and car parking spaces.
We are proposing a high-quality development of 40 new homes (see layout below). The site will be carefully landscaped with around 1.29 hectares (approximately 3.2 acres) of green space, some set aside for wildlife habitats and some for public access.
We are currently planning:
40 new homes, designed specifically for this site and setting, and built for sustainable living;
12 (30%) of the homes would be policy compliant affordable housing (split 65% social rent and 35% intermediate housing), with 80% of these properties being one and two bed for which SHDC officers have told us there is the most pressing need;
The primary vehicular access point would be directly off the A385, with a secondary access to just five properties provided off Limberland Avenue;
Either an on-site Local Area of Play (LAP) of at least 100m2 or to pay a financial contribution towards improving equipped play provision at Meadowbrook;
Bat corridors on the northern and western boundaries (10m wide).
For both schemes, there would be a two-storey maximum building height and parking and EV charging provision would be in accordance with SHDC standards. In addition, and to ensure enough parking on the development, we provide generously over-sized garages.
For more information on the architectural options, our approach to green infrastructure and sustainability, as well as matters such as drainage, please see our exhibition material here.
Proposed layout for Broom Park’
Proposed layout for Sawmills