Land at Wolborough Grange
We purchased this parcel of land (shaded green in the plan below), which forms a small part of the wider Wolborough Grange development, in September 2021. Outline planning permission was granted at appeal in June 2020, and so the principle of development has already been established. Indeed, the entire site is allocated for a residential-led, mixed use urban extension to Newton Abbot in the adopted Teignbridge Local Plan – and is therefore counting towards the required housing numbers for the district.
An overarching Masterplan and Design Code has been developed for the site by Vistry Group (who are the lead developer) in conjunction with us and the other landowners (the Rew family and Barratt David Wilson Homes), which was a condition of the outline consent. This is something that we are very familiar with and has worked successfully in the past, providing design expectations for the site, to ensure delivery of high quality places.
The design code for Wolborough Grange was submitted to Teignbridge District Council (TDC) in April 2022 and approved in June 2023. Following this, we then consulted on and submitted a ‘reserved matters’ application. This sets out the details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale – in other words, what our scheme will actually look like. The application was submitted earlier this year and you can view the final plans by visiting TDC’s website, using the reference 24/00220/MAJ.
Before we submitted our detailed plans to TDC, we consulted the local community. You can view our consultation material here.
Site location in green
We are proposing a high-quality residential development of 155 new homes. This includes:
20% (31 properties) affordable housing: 22 would be affordable rent and 9 shared ownership. These homes would be available to people in housing need locally.
Five self-build plots, made available to those wanting to build their own homes.
Predominantly two storeys with some 3 storeys (max) in appropriate locations.
Vehicular access to our development will be from the link road that will run through Wolborough Grange, connecting Totnes Road in the west to Kingskerwell Road and the South Devon Link Road to the east. The link road will have a separated cycle/pedestrian route.
Parking levels will meet the requirements of Teignbridge District Council.
The site will be within easy reach of areas of open space which will be created across the site, including natural areas, children’s play space and allotments.
Proposed layout
Approved Masterplan