Welcome to our community website where you can learn more about our new homes at Land off Rowan Drive, Seaton.
We received Reserved Matters planning consent from East Devon District Council for 36 new homes on 7th February 2017 and our construction on site is now well underway. A further planning application, to provide conservatories on eight more of our new homes, was approved in April 2018.
The site is located on the northern edge of Seaton town centre, immediately to the north of Rowan Drive.
It is to the west of Harepath Road, to the east of Barnards Hill Lane and to the south of Harepath Hill and is 1.59 hectares in size.
We received planning permission to build 36 new homes on the site in 2017.
More recently, we consulted with local residents on the type of play space they would like to see provided on The Rowans. It will be open to everyone in the community to use and will be located on the southern boundary of our development.
Our specialist consultants have designed a play scheme (below) which they feel responds best to the edge of settlement location and also to anticipated local need. We sought the community’s views on this concept, including suggestions as to how it might be further improved. We were also keen to hear alternative views; for example, whether the play space should be kept relatively informal, which would enable us to devote more resources to landscaping elsewhere.
While this feedback is now closed, you can view our information sheet here, which has more details of our proposed design, and our feedback form is here. We are currently reviewing the feedback received and will provide an update here in due course.
We have designed high quality, contemporary housing that responds to Seaton’s unique character, setting and views.
We have designed the layout of the housing to create a spacious, private development that provides a sense of community and connects our residents with neighbours.
The development will include a range of stylish bungalows and chalet bungalows, as well as family houses. These will be built using a subtle red brick with timber cladding and the accompanying garage doors will be similarly clad to harmonise with the homes. All windows and doors will be a complementary grey UPVC.
All of the homes to be sold on the open market will also have the option for garden rooms and conservatories to best enjoy the stunning views.
These include nine affordable homes for rent and part purchase, priority for which will be given to people with a local connection to Seaton.
The development of the homes will also create a number of construction jobs. Baker Estates has committed to using local sub-contractors and suppliers wherever possible – which will be a boost to the local economy.
Furthermore, Baker Estates will make financial contributions worth more than £155,000 to support local community projects. Of this funding, around £102,000 will support the extension of Seaton Primary School and £39,000 will be used to provide improved public space in Seaton.
Before submitting a planning application, we took time to consult the local community on our plans. We held a public exhibition in September 2016 and received valuable feedback.
The information on display at our exhibition can be viewed here.